Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Wednesday is doctor day

Kathy & I were late getting to the hospital for our 8:20 appointment this morning. I felt terrible because I went back to sleep when she got up for her shower, and that made us leave later. I should have been feeding the pets. Since it was raining this morning, the traffic was at a standstill. And, to make traffic matters worse, there was an accident right near the hospital that had traffic backed up for a mile or so. And it was a doozy. So, we were late.

Fortunately, the twins felt our anxiety and performed marvelously for the non-stress test. We were in and out in about half the usual time. We tried to videotape them moving the sensors, but you really couldn't see much. We should have taped them last night. During the election returns and Kevin Lemanowicz's weather forecasts, Kicky was moving all around like a turtle under a blanket (interesting mental image, huh). He was a RIOT. Dumbass Joe didn't think to get the video camera. Sigh. Oh well. Still reeling from the Pats loss, I suppose.

We then went upstairs for our 9:30 appointment with Dr. Attanucci. Kathy's blood pressure was pretty darned high today. 138/108. This wasn't a good thing. Preeclampsia is a real issue and high blood pressure is a sign. We waited for a while and then they took her BP again. This time it was back to where it usually is, 138/82. Dr. Attanucci was still concerned, however. She had Kathy go for a blood test and she will give a call in a few hours. If Kathy's positive, then we will have to go back immediately and see what's what. The only cure for Preeclampsia is the birth of the babies. So, fingers crossed for good results, everyone. We want the babies to stay in there to cook some more.


** Afternoon update - the Doc called, the bloodwork came back normal. We do have to go to her doctor's office to have her blood pressure checked again, though. Fine by me!