Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A Mom Post

The other day my stylist and friend says to me, "You look tired."  
My answer, "Well, yeah. Of course."

Here you see Bert and I pretending to get some rest. 

Our boys are great but like anything that's worth having, there's work involved. It doesn't help that Joe lures me into staying up past my bedtime with things like this:

"Are you going to have a snack? Those girl scout cookies aren't going to eat themselves."
"Oh, I just want to show you this high-def trailer." Or:
"Oh, you have to see the intro to 30 Rock." Or:
"This made me laugh so hard, you have to see this."

And then there's is the much dreaded and hated Daylight Saving Time. Don't get me started on that.

By the way, that Ernie and Bert Gangsta Rap on youTube is hilarious. If you have a 1:27, check it out:

It's disconcerting how focused you become on poo as a parent during that first year of your child's life.  I'm reluctant to add "pooologist" to my resume.  Does the need to be up on your childrens' poo continue beyond the first year? 

Last week Sue and I were fortunate enough to each catch Jason sitting quietly reading a book. I was changing Kevin and peered over my shoulder to see Jason sitting there quietly perusing the book known as "Disco Bedtime".  He just sat there turning the pages and studying them. Adorable. Sadly, neither of us had a camera so I'll post a pic of Kevin reading. 

Here Kevin reads The Lion King ABC book, one of his favorites. He's carefully studying Simba in this picture.

Hi Jason

Continuing the story.....The same day, Sue was changing Kevin (funny coincidence, eh?) and Jason was lying on his stomach, holding himself up with his elbows reading "Smiles" (a favored Ernie & Bert book). Again, adorable.

I caught Jason "marking" books yesterday AM. He does it to any book he likes and he does it in the same manner and spot each time. He puts the book spine into his mouth, roughly a quarter of the way down from the top and bites down and sucks for a minute or so. This makes a double mark on the book where his teeth have rubbed after the saliva has loosened things up a bit. I keep finding these marked books around their room and the living room. It's only the books he likes though. Of course, I try to stop him and say the house motto "We don't eat books, we read books" but when I'm busy with Kevin and can't physically stop Jason, well, there's nothing I can do. In the end, it's a book, not the Mona Lisa. When they are grown up and ask me for some of the books they had as kids.. I'll say "There aren't any. You are them all."

Jason understands No. He shakes his head back and forth after you say No or Don't or a house motto to him. Funny. 

Kevin probably understands No but chooses to ignore it. No head shake. No acknowledgement. Sometimes a cutesy grin but mostly him crawling away from you.

I've discovered that Kevin's waving is also an equivalent of pointing. Yesterday when I entered the nursery to get the boys up and start the day. Kevin waved at the window. I realized he was (in his own way) indicating that I was going to open the curtains. I did. Then he waved at the other window and I then opened that curtain. For Kevin, waving = Hi and waving = That thing/You do/I see. Smart boy.