Friday, July 30, 2010

First Visit to a Dentist

It had to be done. They both have a mouth full of choppers and are NOT afraid to use them. On Wednesday, Kicky and Jumpy made their way to Dr. Donley's office in Sudbury.

The Jumpster went right in, launching himself at the big toy in the lobby. The Kickster was a bit reluctant to go in the door or into the office or into the lobby. We've had a recent personality swap a la Freaky Friday. The Jumpster has become outgoing and

adventurous while Kicky has started to hold back and be more cautious and shy. I'm sure it's just a phase but it's funny to watch.
Back to the visit.....
Dr. Donley was great with the boys. Of course, this is what she does for a living and she definitely has thing that works for her. Jumpy let her view his teeth, brush them, polish them and do a fluoride treatment. Flossing? Not so much. But Jumpy was so very sweet about the whole thing. Dr. D asked him if he knew what "this" is. J answers "String!"
Dr D: Can I put this on your teeth?
J: No thank you
Dr D: Hmm, how about I try this..(opens those small plastic floss thingies that are the size of crayons)
J: No thank you.

Then he says "No thank you" four times in a row and turns away. All said very sweetly.

In the end, she gave up. I told Jason that it was ok and that I appreciated him using his manners and being polite. We could try floss another time.

Then, it was the Kickster's turn. "No" he didn't want to come see Dr D's office. "No" he didn't want to check out her other toys. "No" he didn't care if Jason got his teeth cleaned and got a neat surprise. So I picked him up and carried him in. He knelt the whole time. No, he didn't want her to count his teeth but he finally said "AHHHH" and let her peek. He tried to grab her tools, he tried to brush his own teeth. He refused to be polished. He barely let the fluoride happen. And, she wisely did not go down floss lane.

But, in the end, it really did go well. Each boy has 20 lovely teeth, a neat new bouncy ball and a new tooth brush.

The moral of the story: eat candy that melts and avoid sticky, chewy stuff.

Have a nice weekend