Wednesday, February 18, 2009


FELIZ CUMPLEANOS to our boys, Jason and Kevin. They turned 1 on Sunday, February 8th. They celebrated in high style with a party on Saturday, more celebrating on Sunday and then recovery time on Sunday and Monday followed by a one year pediatric visit.

Saturday started at 6 ayem, pretty normal. The boys played then had breakfast. Here's a pic of us doing a dry run of "Happy Birthday" and putting on/wearing party hats. Later, Gomez swung by and paid the wee lads a visit, played with them and gave prezzies to Kicky and Jumpy.

Afterwards, the birthday boys had nap time and then lunchtime which coincided with the start of the party. By this time several party goers had arrived. After brief introductions, Kicky threw himself into the party and played with everyone and was his typical bouncy self (literally). Jason, always a bit more reserved, checked out the room and decided that everyone was cool enough to hang out with him and he finally threw himself into the spirit of the party.

They were ok with being fed by new people but with ballons and new faces and party guests arriving, not much food was eaten. But there was a lot of smiling, laughing and raspberry blowing. The balloons were a big hit, huge hit - we could've skipped gifts. (10 days later, the balloons continue to be a hit). We had a 4' tall Elmo balloon, a #1 balloon and then 2 Sesame balloons with Bert, Ernie and Elmo. Kevin is adorable in that he sits on the floor and waves at the Elmo balloon. Jason smiles and sometimes waves at Elmo.

Back to the party....I left off with guests arriving and the boys having a great time. Kicky and Jumpy loved watching the little kids and were quite taken with the little girls who reciprocated their fascination. The boys really enjoyed being the center of attention and playing with everyone. And then before you could blink, it was time for CUPCAKES!

We served chocolate and vanilla cupcakes with little candy Elmos on them. The boys were great...they wore their party hats (see pic) and beamed as everyone sang to them. We sang "Happy Birthday" to Kevin and then sang "Happy Birthday" to Jason. So each boy got his props (as the rappers say). Here's a pic of the cupcake tower and the boys enjoying being feted.

Their first time eating icing and cupcakes was pretty funny. When trying new foods, Kevin sticks things right into his mouth without hesitation. Jason typically sticks his tongue out and waits for you to touch the new food to his tongue. Normally, he pulls his tongue back in and shudders before any real contact occurs. It takes several cautious taps to the tongue before a new food is really ever tasted and even then, who knows how it will all turn out. Half the time he finds the new item unacceptable. But not this time! Icing is a good food, says Jason.

Jason considers the merits of icing while Jason chows on candy Elmo.

Just think, all this time we've been so careful about what we feed sugar, no salt, no food coloring....obviously all that went out the window on their birthday.

Another funny thing....Kevin gets his cupcake and removes candy Elmo and promptly chows down on him. Jason removes candy Elmo and smiles at him and then sets him down on his tray. Moral of story...Kevin loves his friends and will eat them if they look yummy. Jason loves his friends and won't eat them even if they look yummy. Donner, party of 1.

The boys lllloved the cupcakes, the singing and the attention. They hammed it up for the crowd. They genuinely had a good time, someting we were not expecting as they can both be a bit shy or simply unwilling to humor us. After the sugar wore off, they had bottles and naps and slept like babies. Ha, right. They bounced up and down in their cribs until gradually (after much baby talk - perhaps a baby discussion about the day's events?) the chat tapered off and the boys drifted off.

The boys woke up and continued to party. Things wrapped up at 4 and the partygoers were gone. Shortly afterward my brother and his wife arrived so there was still a bit of partying left to do. They boys' dinner consisted of more party hats, more singing (this time Jason first and Kevin second) and more cupcakes and icing. A great time was had by all.

The boys played for a bit and then we did our best to remove icing, red food dye and cake from their faces before bedtime.

BTW, Zout is a terrific stain remover but candy Elmo + Kevin saliva makes for an impossible stain.


Sunday started out normally enough, another 6 ayem kickoff time. But then the boys went back to bed at 8:30 and slept until 10. Very unsual but wonderful as everyone was beat and we followed their example. All that partying had caught up with them. Kicky and Jumpy spent their birthday in their PJs. They had a nice brunch at 10:30 followed by gifts. Afterwards there was a mid-day nap followed by lunch and then opening presents. A late day nap followed by a bottle and dinner and then opening more presents. The day ended with a bottle and then bed. A great way to spend a birthday. Resting, relaxing and playing with toys. Here's a pic of Jason checking out his new mini Tonka trucks.


Kevin plays with twin Raggedy Andys.

Kevin is ok with it. Monday comes and the boys are still recovering.
They definitely needed another PJ-day. I observe the boys from the hallway outside their room and
watch Jason and Kevin do a tug-of-war over a toy...pretty typical day at our house. However on any given day Kevin does the snatching and Jason relents. Not so today. Jason has a toy, Kevin grabs said toy and then Jason reaches over and grabs it from Kevin. Jason then flashes Kevin a "you're going to get it" look. I think to myself, "Hmm,
perhaps they should have some time apart today." Kevin, wisely and for the first time, relents and moves onto another toy.
Then, I'm off to work. Joe stays home. Sue arrives from NY. The boys

are due at the pediatrician's at 2 pm. I zip home, boys are fed, changed (thank u Sue), we zip them up, load them in, and off we go. WEEEEEEEEEEEE! It takes a village. Anyone who says differently is lying or in denial.

We arrive at the Doc's office and the boys are great, relaxed, well-behaved. Jason is sits there while Kevin is bouncing up and down. Kevin smiles away and Jason keeps a watchful eye on the Dr and his notebook PC. The boys are measured, weighed and examined. They both pass muster. Dr. G is impressed by the fact that the boys say "Hi Dada" something about grouping 2 words. Maybe it's my practical mid-west
upbringing but I respond,"Well, they are just imitating us. We say 'Hi Dada' several time throughout the day. They don't know that they are grouping 2 words." Dr's response...blank stare. Yes, it'll take a lot more than that to impress me, Doc. Hahaha. In fact, Joe and I ARE impressed but we're the parents so duh, we still get giddy when they smile at us.

Anyway, it was your typical, uneventful HMO 15 min. visit. No stickers this time but they were given 2 pretty cool board books about big trucks. Jason found his to be pretty tasty. Then at the end there were shots and tears. The much over-hyped MMR vaccine was delivered. Then, back home we went. Jason dozed off on the 2 min ride home. Joe sat in the driveway playing with his new Blackberry while Kevin and I went inside.


Both boys have been doing longer stretches of freestanding. It's taken me a full week to write this so today is Thursday. I started this on Monday so yes, the freestanding durations have increased in 4 days time. On Tuesday AM, Kevin said "Jayce" and looked around our bedroom, looking for his brother. This is the first time we've heard Kevin say this. We first heard Jason say "Jayce" over the weekend. Since Kevin can say "kitty" we aren't sure why he hasn't attempted his name but it's just a matter of time.

So, this is one, says Jason.

Jason is adept at imitating us. He gives "high-fives" and has ever since Joe first showed him how to do it last week. Kevin is now clapping, this has been going on for a week. He also sits on the floor and waves at Elmo (an Elmo birthday balloon). His wave is impressive and he does it to everyone and everything. So adorable.

When the boys meet up after being apart (i.e. getting together first thing in the AM or after naps) they crawl towards each other and head butt each other. Sometimes they do it gently and it's very cute. Sometimes they crawl from opposite sides of the room and it ends badly with bumped noggins and some tears.

They hold hands after lunch and/or dinner. Kevin will stretch his hand towards Jason and Jason will take his hand. Very sweet.

Today (Thu) after 7 am bottles, the boys played in their room. I hear great big belly laughs and peels of laughter. I look in on the boys and Jason is sitting up against the inside of the Aquarium tunnel rocking it back and forth while Kevin sits outside of it. They are playing peek-a-boo with each other and having a great time.

Jason does a terrific Elvis impersonation, Las Vegas Elvis where he sort of squats and swings his arm around in a circulation motion. Uncanny.
Kevin used to make an adorable kissy face when he was very little. He stopped somewhere around 4 months but then last week, he suddenly started up again. Yes, it's still adorable. Jason sat and rocked-n-rolled in the aquarium tunnel today....still darn cute.

Tuesday Feb 17th
So, I'm just now coming up for air. It's been a busy Feb. Let's see if I can get this wrapped up today. Today Jason said "Hi Jason". The first full pronounciation of his name AND he paired it with Hi. Tremendous! Well done Jason. We were sitting in the nursery playing...Jason inside the aquarium tunnel (his "secret" hideout) and Kevin was just beside the tunnel. We were playing peek-a-boo with me as the intermediary. I would ask Kevin "Where is Jason?" and Jason would pop out and look around the side at Kevin. I found it interesting that Jason grasped the concept that I could see him and Kevin couldn't so even though I was saying "Where's Jason?" he understood that it was Kevin who couldn't see him so he intentionally popped his head around the side so that Kevin could see him. It's neat to see them grasp and explore larger concepts. It'll be great when they understand that a finger in the eye is a bad idea.

Kevin is giving the Queen of England a run for her money when it comes to waving. He's so darn cute. He waves hello, goodbye, goodnight, cutie pie. Today he was playing with the roundabout and he was playing with it in the actual manner that it was designed to be played with. For awhile he started putting the balls into new locations instead of the drop in at the top. No big deal as the balls all found their way out of the toy. He understood that putting the ball into the left side meant it came out on the right so this was another important concept grasped. Yay Kevin!

Well, that's all I can think of at the moment. I'll post this after I download photos. Ta!