Here are Molly & Joe about to go inside my home with two very, very cool gifts:
Where on Earth did y'all find such cool Superman teddy bears? Joe's answer, "At the store, Uncle Joe". Well, ask a dumb question...!
Here's Joe playing peekaboo with Jason:
Jason LOVED playing peekaboo with Joe. There was an instant bond between the boys.
Here's a photo of Molly, Jason and Joe:
And finally, here's photo of my sister, Cindi, holding Jason.
Where is Kevin in these photos? He was being changed. But not to leave the cute little bugger out of this photo montage, here he is in all his glory:
Saturday night the boyz were up pretty much every hour on the hour, each in turn. Arrgh. However, I'm happy to report that last night they slept very well. I actually feel human today.
More later,