Then...all hell broke lose. Both boyz got hungry at the same time and they were both crying at me. "FEED US YOU MORON! HOW DIFFICULT IS THIS TO COMPREHEND?!" They're very literate criers. Anyway, so I put both babies in bouncy chairs and kneeled on the floor, bottle in each hand. They feverishly chowed down, both coughing...again, at the same time...and sprayed milk all over my glasses. Satisfied, they continued to eat up. After a while, they calmed down and I was able to begin to burp them in turn. Then fortunately Kath & Sue came back home...and just laughed at me. Actually, they were laughing with me, as Kathy's been through that same situation a thousand times.
New respect all around.
The boyz are beginning to smile a little bit. They're terribly amusing, smiling or not. We're working on getting them to sleep through the night. The idea is to feed them enough calories throughout the day so by bedtime they'll have had their daily nutrition and will be more apt to sleep for 5-7 hours. It's going slowly. Last night we made it from 11pm to 7pm...kinda. They were up for a few hours...but eventually went back to sleep. This morning when we fed them, they seemed well rested and fairly content. Maybe we're on to something, maybe it's coincidence. Maybe you, the reader, have the answer. If you do, no worries...we're looking at this as a win.
We're beginning to interview nannies...more posts on this later.