Monday, April 7, 2008

Getting better all the time, bettah, bettah beeeettaaah

The boyz seem to be doing much better these days. Their colds are waning and their appetites are returning. Phew. You have to feel for the little guys when 1/7 of their life has been nothing but the process of creating and expelling mucus. Kath & I are also improving day by day.

Sunday morning, Kathy let me sleep through the night by taking the 4am feeding all on her own. 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep, how I missed thee. I returned the favor by taking the 8am feeding and then I brought them downstairs so Kathy could catch up on her sleep. She slept until after 11am, so it was bloodshotless eyes all around Sunday morning.

Now that Kay has returned home, I'm trying to jump back into doing all the tasks like back when Kathy was expecting (plus a variety of new jobs). Makes me feel very useful and that I'm contributing to the welfare of my family.

Next comes the nanny process. I've mentioned that before, but I figure if I keep talking about it I will keep it in the foreground of my brain and we'll actually get it done. Again, I would love to stay home and be a "Mr. Mom", but I'm just not sure we can afford to. Ah, the 21st century economy...gotta love ya.

More later,