Sunday, January 15, 2012

2011 - October

In October we celebrated Sue's third anniversary as our nanny. Nanny doesn't even begin to capture everything that Sue does and how much she means to us all. We are very blessed to have Sue as a part of our family. Here's a pic of our celebration of Sue.

We also celebrated Cindi's and my birthday on Columbus Day weekend. We picked apples and had a lovely time with the whole family.

October was a funny month. Kevin invented a new way to use utensils.

The boys, notorious for disliking hair cuts, behaved very well during a Saturday AM haircutting session with Mama and so were rewarded with crazy, big all-day suckers.

On Columbus Day it was in the mid to high 70s and yet, the month ended with a freak snowstorm. The boys had a great time. Kevin and I built a snowman and Jason ate snow.

Halloween was a lot fun. The boys were fire fighters. We started off with a quick visit to our neighbors the Howards and the O'Briens. The boys weren't especially into Halloween.....initially. After the first few rounds of Trick or Treaters, Joe asked the boys if they'd like to go out for more candy and OH BOY WERE THEY! Off they went! Up and down the street to every house they could. I could see 2 sets of reflective yellow stripes walking next to Joe. The boys had finally figured out the true meaning of Halloween. CANDY!