Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Kicky is icky and Jumpy is yucky. The boys have colds. The Kickster, aka Sniffster, is at the tail end wrapping up a nearly 10 day nasty cold. Jumpy's symptoms appeared on Monday night. What do parents who use daycare do when their kids are sick? Most daycares won't let sick children attend. If not for Sue, Joe and I would have to use our vacation time to be home with wee Kicky and Jumpy so you parents out there who do daycare...what do you do? Big thanks to Sue for her patience while the boys have been gooey, ooey, and ouchie. Her lightning quick response time with a tissue will earn her an entry in the Guinness World Book of Records.

Here are some pix of the guys spending their downtime watching Thomas the Tank Engine and Oswald.

Poor wee fellas. We're thinking of doing a celebrity benefit to help us raise money for tissues. "We need more Kleenex, We need more Puffs. We need a world free of germs and bugs." Sung to the tune of "We are the World"... pretty catchy, don't you think?

Here are some other photos of the guys taken when before the bug hit. Enjoy!