I confess to not having read many "You're the Parent of a 1 year old" books but I perused one over the weekend that indicated that a 13 month old is a toddler. So I'll go with that premise.
The boys are now "officially" toddlers. They do toddle a bit. With help. They are really good at cruising along the furniture. But the term "cruisers" probably won't catch on and even if it does, by the time they do it, the boys really will be toddlers toddling along.
We celebrated 13 mos with golden butter cupcakes and white frosting. Kevin had a taste and Jason refused any cake or icing. Oh well, more for us.
The boys are getting bigger and smarter, kind of like Steve Austin but without the bionics. Typically I do an update on both boys but I think this time, I'll do a post on each boy so that he can have his moment in the sun all to himself.