Friday, February 6, 2009

Wait for it....

Big day on Sunday. Numero Uno birthday for our Kicky and Jumpy.  I could say that they are excited but that wouldn't necessarily be true. They are a bit oblivious of upcoming events. Sue has been singing Happy Birthday to them, talking about cake and parties and practicing blowing out candles.  I sing "Good Morning to You" to them each day, a trend my Mom started when she was staying with us. So they recognize the tune. They have never seen fire so the candles will be interesting. 

It's been a hectic is crazy (as Mugatu says in Zoolander, is everyone taking crazy pills?). We've been getting ready for the party and then there's Valentine's and Joe's big Four-OH. Yes, you heard it here first. 4 -0.

There hasn't been much time for blogging but I thought I'd do a quick post to keep ya'll up to date on recent developments.

The Kickmeister is growing upwards. He's stretching out and nearly as tall as Jumpy. Jumpy, on the other hand, is filling out and each time we pick him feels like he's got bricks and rolls of quarters in his pockets.

There is much teething going on at Pokey Oaks. Both boys have molars menacing them. Motrin is our friend and helps them get a good night's rest or at least some rest at night. Last night was a rocky one with the Motrin only easing the pain a little bit. Jason's top ones have dropped down nicely. Kevin's bottom ones are breaking through as is Jason's lower left side molar. 

Kevin has been saying random words. He will repeat things after we say them.  For example, in the AM, I'll bring him into our room and I'll say "Hi Daddy, It's Kevin" and Kevin will say "Hi Dada". He is getting better at "Kitty Cat" but it can vary.."Kit At", "Itty At", "Kitty At", etc. He knows "milk"
 and "food".  At night when I say "Come on Kevin....time for milk" He'll raise his arms to be picked up or he'll crawl over and grab Fred (his best friend aside from Jason) and then crawl over to me for his bottle.  Jason also knows "milk". If I ask him if he wants milk, he'll smack his lips.  Jason has been practicing saying his name. It sounds like "Jay" or "Jayce".  

There is more free-standing going on. Free-standing - Moments when one or both boys are standing w/o benefit of holding onto a nearby object.  They are also letting go of an object before having a hold of another object. Last night (and this is a scary thing), Jason raised his foot and looked like he was ready to climb the bookcase in the living room. This led to the introduction of a new house phrase: We keep our feet on the floor

Other new house phrases:
The couch is for your seat, not your feet
We eat food, not toys
Feet on the floor
Pat kitty gently (they are very good about this)
You like peas (or fill in the name of the food), trust me
The gate is not a toy

Back to the party prep.....the theme is Elmo. Both boys love Elmo and while they love Ernie and Bert more, there are no E+B party decorations out there. Sesame knows who the cash cow in their business is.  We're doing cupcakes and snacks and are hoping that in keeping the party small, that the boys have fun and don't get too freaked out. They don't do well in large groups. Hopefully having people trickle in will ease them into a party mood.

In an effort to expand their world and acclimate them to different experiences/people/environments, Joe and I have been discussing how the boys should have more outings and adventures. Each weekend we take them someplace new or different. Last week > iParty and Trader Joe's.  Both boys seemed to enjoy people watching. Joe spent most of his time putting silly hats on the boys and himself and generally entertaining himself, them and other shoppers.  TJ's was busy and Jason and Joe stood near the door watching the crazy shoppers while Kevin and I walked the aisles looking for babyfood. No success there but Kevin seemed to enjoy his tour of the store.

I'm working on an outing to the New England Aquarium and the Children's Museum.  I think they'd like both. The funny part is that we'll spend more time getting there and locating parking than we will spend inside the actual places. Oh well.

Well, this post will need to hold you until Sunday and then I'll post the party pix.
