Monday, October 27, 2008

A Dad's "Day in the Life"

Hi everyone, long time - no post. I don't have any new photos to present for which I apologize right up front. Just new and recycled thoughts and observations for y'all.

As we're nearing the boyz 9-month birthday, I have to say I'm completely astounded...I cannot seem to remember a time when they weren't here. That being said, I can't believe that nearly nine months have rocketed by. Sleep is becoming a welcome friend returned from a long hiatus. Although last night the boyz were up at 3am and Kathy took care of them and let me sleep on. I don't thank her enough for Kath, thank you. Needless to say, coffee consumption is diminishing (that cheering sound you're hearing is from my stomach lining) and I'm beginning to see colors again.

We have a nice daily schedule: Kathy goes to work early and I have the duty to dress & feed the boyz before I also head off to work. Then, Kathy arrives home early to feed them dinner and play. When I get home, we change them into sleepwear and give them their before-bed bottles. In the meantime, Nanny Sue has been doing a remarkable job playing with and interacting with the kids. I've never seen them so animated and their development is definitely a marked improvement. While I'm on the subject, I just wanted to thank my folks for taking care of the boyz in the 2 weeks before Sue started. I'm so glad you were able to look after our sons, and I know they really enjoyed their time with you. I'm sure you felt the same way, and I'm very grateful for you both. Thank you.

Okay, back to me...! hee hee. To say "I love my time with Kicky and Jumpy in the morning" doesn't begin to describe how wonderful it makes me feel. When I'm getting them ready to be changed, I put them in each other's cribs...just for a fun change of environment. While I'm picking out outfits and washing their helmets, I'll hear them giggling and baby-talking to each other through the bars. It's really heartwarming. Then, I'll pick up, say, Jason, and bring him over for a diaper change and a new outfit. The Pampers diapers we use have little Sesame Street characters on them, so I always show Jason who he'll be wearing today. "Look,'s Cookie Monster!" (his favorite). Dutifully, Jason gives me a big belly laugh and then proceeds to try to roll off the changing table. This is less of a fun game. Thank God for the reflexes the Xbox 360 has trained me with.

Kevin is even more troublesome with the rolling around on the table. Mind you...he LOVES this game. He's smiling and laughing and roll, roll, rolling. He even does an inchworm type of movement that if you're not holding onto him, he moves forward until his little head is hanging off the side. I've found that with both babies, they love to play with a pacifier while being changed. This distracts them long enough to do what you need and is easy to take away and give back when putting their arms through their sleeves.

Feeding time is really fun. I put them into their high chairs, put their bibs on, and then the little trays. They like to talk at me (or, most likely, just at the world) while I make breakfast for them. Breakfast usually consists of rice cereal and some sort of fruit. Both boys, when awake, eat very well. But you do have to be quick: Jason's nap time is right around the time I serve breakfast. Like this morning, I was able to give Jason his vitamins and then out he went. Kevin was certainly happy to have all the attention. He like to hum while he chews. It's really hard not to laugh while you feed him. Sue usually joins in and we both feed a baby...this really helps getting Jason to eat something before nodding off. Then I'm off to work. Boo.

I look forward to this activity more than any other. This "guy time" in the morning really fills my heart with happiness and love for these two little beings. Plus, they're a riot. My life has never been better, and I owe it to you boyz: Kevin & Jason/Kicky & Jumpy. And most importantly, to my wife Kathy. I never could have hoped for a better partner in crime...oops, I mean "life"...hee! Every day I love her more even though I never think it's possible love anyone more.

More later,