Chuh chuh chuh chuh changes. People who say "having a baby won't change us" might not really get the point of having a baby. Everything changes. Unless they were already getting up every 2 hours each night, dressing their pets in diapers and small outfits, and wearing clothing with food stains and bodily fluids.
Love's blindspot. We've all experienced love's blindspot when it comes to a partner/spouse but the size of the parental blindspot really dwarfs that. It seems that other people's babies (the people in restaurants and at the mall, not family and friends) look like aliens. But my kids, my kids are beeyootiful. Okay, realistically, I know they look like aliens to those who aren't family/friends but kids are pretty darn cute. I think that even Whitney Strieber would agree.
Things we do for love. Historically, I'm a night person and not an early bird. THAT changed on Feb 8th. Not saying I'm not up all night (no longer a choice but just a fact) but I'm also up before Sol, the proverbial early worm, and the bunny who ate my daffodils (bad bunny).
Super Babies. Babies might be super smart at recognizing their Mom by smell and family members by sound....but how on earth can they stand the taste of formula? eww eww eww
Well, that's all I have for now.
- Kathy