Last night, the Johnsons, Kathy & I sat down to dinner and ate most of the Harrow's chicken pie that my folks brought. They have been utterly parents flew back from Florida to see the boyz and have had to endure the record breaking snowfall and precipitation that a February in New England would bring. Mimi & Papa Doherty have both held Jason & Kevin, and the boyz are thrilled with meeting their paternal grandparents.
My folks have been extremely generous in bringing their love along with lots of presents, delicious food, and a few time/life saving devices: a bottle warmer, a bottle sterilizer for the microwave (this thing kicks major buttocks) and they found the nipples for the bottles that have literally kept Kathy & I from going insane late at night (early morning, actually) when the boys were panicking with the old nipples. I cannot tell you how grateful I am for all their efforts in making our lives easier and ultimately, their grandchildrens'.
Just a quick note to ask you all to extend your thoughts and prayers to my Dad who has contracted Shingles. From what I've read, it's not contagious but very, very painful. So please, pray for a quick recovery.
And I would be remiss to all you readers out there without a cute photo of the boys in action. Enjoy: